Emoji Me

Tru here.

Some have asked about the EMOJI Pictures i use on FaceBook.
My latest projects show my longer hair, and often pajamas,
because am usually posting first thing in the morning, or last thing before bed.

I really enjoy playing with this app.
it lets me have fun expressing my creative desires, and allows me to spend time “playing”
— with input to blog and other communication forms.

i do not “recommend” or “endorse” any specific product,
but am responding to questions i have had about the cartoon-type pictures i use on FaceBook.

“Emoji Me” is a rather-complex application that i believe is only available for iPhone and iPad.
First step is to install the free application.
i bought the entire set of 10 add-in packages about 3 years ago, for about $10.
The whole set now runs about $25 – or 20 British pounds.
(Aint inflation and monetary exchange wonderful, LOL.)

Creating a face does not start with traditional drawing-mode of face-shape first.
The simplest approach is to allow the application to guide you thru the 14 steps in order listed below.

  1. First select skin color from 32 skin tones (plus 6 odd ones like green, blue, etc).
  2. Select Hair style among either short hair (98 choices) or long hair (111 choices).
  3. Select Hair color (39 choices) and highlight style (7 choices) and color (38 choices).
  4. Next select shape of eyes (32 choices) and eye color (17 choices).
  5. EyeBrow shape (40 choices) and brow color (38 choices).
  6. Eye MakeUp i ignore, but selection of styles and colors.
  7. Mouth size and shape has 25 choices, then lip color has 27 choices.
  8. Nose shape has 23 choices.
  9. Ear ornaments has 73 choices, and ear shape has 18 choices.
  10. Face shape has 31 choices.
  11. Face details like cheekbones and wrinkles have 40 choices.
  12. Facial hair shape has 41 choices, and color has 40 choices.
  13. Shape of glasses has 49 choices, and glasses color has 18 choices.
  14. Style of hat has 79 choices, and hat color has 35 choices.

Next you save your face.
You can use that face (or any other you create) in creating what they call “stickers”.
These “stickers” are not printed sticky-back pictures;
they are just images that can “stick” on eMail, text, FaceBook, etc.

These “stickers” have other options,
such as lifting a mug, waving, etc.  …
Many MANY choices involved in this process,
but multiple ways to use it, when finished,
and they add a new sticker style pretty much every week.
This week it is presenting a multi-colored bouquet to someone.
Last month they added face mask to “hat” selection.

Take your time.
This is really a lot like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.
It takes a while for the whole picture to take shape,
but it feels so good when the last puzzle piece fits into place.
…  and there are no lost pieces !!!

App available at https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/emoji-me-animated-faces/id1040207175 .


Below are Emoji Me projects that i have used in my blog during the past:


to create picture above,  i think i used an additional application , revising the photo from Emoji Me.
But do not remember what application that was.
You can add text to your sticker.

You can also add from selection of backgrounds for stickers — as above.  The initials i added later.  They are not part of the program.

used Emoji Me faces,then added various pieces with photoShop, for both picture above and below.


Index for pages about Arts/Crafts projects is at https://truthfulkindness.com/about/life-other/arts-crafts/ .

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