PWD LaVerne Belles October 2013

616 LaVerneB 20131021b 3in100ppi

October 21, 2013

Just wonder why life is so good and then you are told you have a disease that you will never be able to win.

Just hoping more people will understand and keep up with me and
not like my mom.

I hope they understand and always know that no matter how I changed it is the disease not me.
I know some will understand and some who can’t,

but it is important that if you want me to be a part of your life
and know who you are,
it is now time to keep in my life.

If you don’t understand the disease please don’t be afraid to ask me please.
I just hope that some day there will be a cure for it.
I know not in my life time
but maybe so it would not happen to anyone,
family or friend.
Friend or Not.

Live is just too good.
Love you all.

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