BnB Trip to DonnaKay 2004

Two cousins extremely close to me;
Julie was raised with me as a sister
… and DonnaKay.
DonnaKay’s memorial service is tomorrow, June 23, 2018.

In 2004, when notified of her cancer diagnosis … with probable terminal prognosis, DonnaKay asked that i come visit (from central California to Montana).
She had been there for me during time of need, so despite increasing cognitive complications and increasing physical complications, i took mywheelchair, my service dog … and drove there in 2004.  It took me a week of driving, because some days i could only safely drive 30minutes of a 24-hour stretch.  Stayed several weeks, then drove back.  i was gone about a month.


Since DonnaKay was losing her hair with cancer treatments,
first step was to shave my head (and, of course, gather head coverings).


Enjoyed about a month with DonnaKay and family,
including some time with grandchildren
& searching for gems.

This is an awesome photo of Grammy & DonnaKay, earlier that same year.


After 14-year battle, DonnaKay is off to new adventures; enjoying time with Grandpa, Grammy, family, and Creator.  (But i will miss her)

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