PWD Robert Bowles Visit Facility


. Visiting Ashley Glen Senior Living and Memory Care .

Judy and I had the privilege yesterday of visiting Ashley Glyn Senior Living and Memory Care in Peachtree City, Georgia.  This is like a hidden treasure that is nestled in a beautiful landscape environment.  The back of the the building is fenced in so as to protect the people living there.

I had told my wife that I wanted us to visit Memory Care places so that I could pick where I might want to go, if the need occurred.  Yesterday, validated that this was a wise decision.  I had talked with Elaine, Gaillard last week for over one  hour.  She is very educated in dementia and memory loss care.  She fully understands what it takes to meet people’s needs.  We walked into the building and was greeted by a lovely lady at the front desk.  She escorted us to their private dining room for our meeting that had been planned.

Judy, Elaine and I began talking about the purpose of us being there that day. Soon, Diane Newton, the administrator came into the room.  We had a wonderful lunch that was very delicious.  The chef brought our food into the room, and he had the brightest smile on his face.  For the next one and one-half hours, we talked about my questions and my passion for helping people with dementia.  They answered all of my questions.  Finishing this initial meeting, Elaine guided us on a tour of the complex.  She even knocked on several doors and asked, if we could come in and see their housing.  I was literally amazed at the decor.  Stepping into the back yard area, I just shook my head in disbelief.  I could not imagine that someone had designed such an environment that would be so safe and pleasurable.

As we completed the tour, we returned to Elaine’s office.  We spent more time talking about my dreams and aspirations for a better world with dementia….a dementia friendly world.  I received a packet of information and an application so that I could get my name on the list, should the need arise.  We discussed memory cafes and guardian angels who would volunteer and come into the community and help clients skype.  They even asked me, if I would in-service there staff on how to interact and communicate with a person with dementia or memory issues.

All in all, this was one of the best days since my diagnosis in June 2012 of Lewy body dementia (LBD).  I was able to not focus on my disease, but make plans on living with my disease.  This was a great provision that I am very thankful for.

©2015 Robert Bowles


Tami at on 02/25/2015 8:37am
Robert! I am so glad that you did this. Having worked in admissions many years in the senior care industry. I know how many people make this decision last minute. You have switched the dynamic and you now have control of how you plan to live your life with LBD.

Robert Bowles on 02/25/2015 8:42pm
Tami, thanks for your comment. I love the work that you are doing. You are awesome


((Originally posted 2015 February 24 at lbdlivingbeyonddiagnosis))

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