Gotta Laugh or Cry Symptoms

“PWD Perspective” Contributions from other Persons With Dementia (PWD): Mike Matherly, 

… with mixed diagnosis of symptoms from Lewy Body Dementia (LBD), Fronto-Temporal Dementia (FTD), and Parkinson’s (which he calls in this entry, Dr P).


Journal entry, 1-31-18:

Smelling GOOD today.
Combed my hair with deodorant!!  LOL


Journal entry, 2-4-18:

Lewy, FT and Dr P decided to drop by the other day. They brought a new guy with them, Neuropa something or other. Hope they don’t bring him back; he’s no fun at all. They all stayed several days and partied the whole time. Guess they feel like I’m a pretty good host.

Those boys really know how to party; started when they got here and kept it up till they left (Dr P felt like he would stay around for awile; who am I to say NO). Said they left me some presents when they left (they always do) but didn’t tell me where they hid ’em. Found a couple, but can’t remember where they said they put ’em all (always give me a few hints when they leave; big jokers those guys).

Did discover they took a few things with ’em when they left (they always do that too). Thought about reporting them to the authorities as thieves, but last time I did I was told there was nothing they could do), Right now I’m too confused to figure out what all I’m missing any way but I feel like I’ll find out in the next couple of days or so.

Well, at least they’re gone for a few days. Now I can try to get clean up a bit and get ready for the next time. Didn’t say when they’d be back (never do). Hope they settle down a bit and the next party is not like this one was.

PS on 2-5-18:

“… the reality can make you cry, but if you can’t laugh … what else is there ?  Personalizing makes it all more tolerable.”

(Mike’s t-shirt says “I’m not a SUPERHERO … but, I’m fighting Dementia so, close enough!”)

This is Mike’s first contribution, but when there are more pages from Mike, his index page is here >> .

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