My Mother is Country LOVE

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My mother is the epitome of Country Love.

Her fragrance is mountain pine, crunchy apple, and wild rose, all mixed together.

At 72 yrs old, she has returned to the log cabin her grandfather built,

with a wood stove for heat and cooking.

She was sparkling and vivacious as the head cheerleader every year in high school.

and her sparkle still shows whether she is hiking on her beloved mountain

or gathering wood for the fire.

She looks so young that she and I are usually assumed to be sisters.

But the most remarkable thing about her is her unconditional love.

All my growing-up years we had an “extra” person living with us.

It started with the 90 year old woman in our basement when I was 3yo,

but there were many others before the pregnant teen when I moved out.

She cared for them all.

Then she cared for my father until he died of cancer, then her mother with Alzheimers,

then others …

Whether teaching Sunday School, cooking over a campfire for a mule pack trip,

standing in line during Holiday rush hours, or as Food Srv Suprv for the school district,

she faithfully demonstrated the ability to appreciate each person as unique & important,

regardless of whether their behavior was wonderful, or callous and vindictive.

She was, and continues to be, the epitome of “Country Love”,

and she is my mother.

Truthful L Kindness on 2011-04/18

Drawing is of the log cabin built by her grandfather when her father was toddler.  Pencil drawing by my son, Brad Davis.  My mother, JackieAnn continues to have the motto “why walk when you can RUN”.  She turns 79 this year, got some horses in past few years, and is currently tent camping with husband and horses.  If i can get her to stand still long enough (in just the right place so there is cell reception) I will wish her Happy Mother’s Day.