BnP 1-07 Julie and I were a Team

“Bits ‘n Pieces of Me: Memoirs to retain identity in the face of growing dementia” — unpublished page 07:

Spencer is happily blowing bubbles
after Julie and I put him into our doll’s high-chair.
bnp 196110a Lo
Altho genetically we were cousins,
Julie and I were “sisters”
during the most formative years of our childhood.
Functionally we were twins.

We shared twins’ unique language
and both of us left certain areas under-developed.

Julie had no need to further develop analytical skills
because she had me.
And I had no need to further develop whimsy
and spontaneity
because I had Julie.
bnp 196110b Lo
Julie and I were a team.
Pretty much anything we did, we did together
(even making faces).

(Photos October 1961)
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