PWD Gerald S Publicover November 2015 Technology

Gerald S. Publicover gave permission to share his thoughts on technology and “Siri”:

All my stuff is from Samsung. I can ask anything and get an answer in seconds about almost anything.

Though I am involved in many things, I believe the technology has done more for me than any thing else to slow the advancement of my Alzhiemers .
It has educated me, entertained me, annoyed the hell out of me.

I go places , do things, develop friends in far places.
It is always there to tease my mind in new directions.

i think the stimulation invaluable in keeping me mentally alive. And all a little cost, and always avilable.

Enough for now, and you anyone feel the same or at least understand how I feel?
G.S.P. with the Alzhiemers 😈  — Nov 2, 2015

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