PWD Garry George Wilkes Jan 2015

 616 Blog GarrysBeauty 3in72ppi

Garry George Wilkes’ current ballet project is “Beauty and the Beast”

Beauty and the Beast – the ballet January 27 at 1:09am ·

Updates on the ballet coming soon from orchestrator, transcriber William Hoshal, and the composer. (That’s me…..weeeeeee! Whoa, I’m taking on the traits of my idol, Daffy Duck!!!) Relax, I’m just having fun.

Beauty and the Beast – the ballet January 27 at 10:27am ·

Notice to followers of my music career: As of January 2015, I have officially retired as a songwriter of quality rock music. It’s possible I could be lured back by someone, or two, rockers of immense talent and influence. I still have room to grow as a songwriter. (Although I will be back writing the musical nephew Jameson Tabor and I are creating, hopefully sometime in May. I can certainly develop my songwriting there. Although it is NOT a rock opera.)

So, that leaves me focusing on two genres at this time. First, I am in the middle of a multi-year battle, with music partner Jameson Tabor, with a musical based loosely on my life that is proving to be quite challenging. Second, there is my modern classical instrumental music, which could involve a brand new ballet, a film score short demo, or whatever else I might discover along the road. I do have options, and one definite musical: Jameson and I have pledged to each other to finish the musical, and to make it at the highest levels possible, without putting us into asylums!.


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