Written by my friend Theresa Montgomery,
but i have added bold font and line breaks for clarity.

Dose of Inspiration

One of the most difficult things for us to do as humans
is to continue to look straight ahead and NOT lose our JOY.
But we are human
and we tend to get stuck on our to do and conquer list,
or our worries and obstacles list,
or our past
and can’t shake it or forget it list behind us,
and slowly we can begin feeling exhausted, tired, beat and smile-less
because ALL of our JOY is being depleted
…truth to be told it’s gone.

What if we take a minute, or two minutes
to pause
and leave all of our mental clutter where it is.

Why? Because our JOY is buried and we need to revive it.

Hence, in spite of a new or recent diagnosis,
regardless of a new news notification
..or (Fill in the blank)

stay focus on what is GOOD and what gives us JOY.

I personally can admit,
when I can’t get something solved, figured out, OR fixed
it has an affect on my JOY.

JOY is like gold,
it’s pretty precious and gets us through our storms.

.. and that is why it is so important to release anything that makes our heart or spirit weak. .

Believe it or not “Every” single one of us…are stronger than we think.
The weakness comes into play when we try to carry our entire life on our shoulders.

Remember this is a new year..
let’s Identify what in our life brings us JOY
and the rest becomes delectable items.

Are you beginning to feel your beautiful smile coming?
When we smile…that means we feel good
…and when we feel good ..we look good.

Have a joyful day BEAUTIFUL YOU.
…One more thing…
it feels so so GOOD to still be alive right?
I ‘m quite Joyful of that and I’m sure you are too.

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,
but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” —Nhat Hanh


Theresa (Terry/Terrie) Montgomery
Living with Dementia
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive;
and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”.
—Maya Angelou


Terry’s FaceBook profile is at .

Her index for pages on my blogspace is at .


Фото, Автор Arana На Яндекс - Snowman Face

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