PWD DonnaLynn Morin December 2015

DonnaLynn Morin in December 2015

616 DonnaLynn Morin pic 2012 aftr diagn

My reality  December 7, 2015 ·

Well hello everyone I know its been awhile but I thought I would send out a quick post.

As some of you know my primary doctor had told me that he did not believe I had Alzheimers mind you my primary in Florida had told me I had 6 years to live. I have the cherry are rated in my cognitive functioning and my memory but he did give me that written test and I got a 97. My next question was why so much atrophy why is there swelling in other parts of my brain and why I now have a seizure disorder he said he believes I have dementia but not Alzheimers so what’s the difference?

I don’t know if it really makes a difference I just want to know so my life PET scan was 6 years ago my doctor sending me to neurology so I asked for a new PET scan I was refused. I am going to see the neurologist but she will do a PET scan if I participate in a study group. I have many many other things wrong with me including my hat and my kidneys my liver I don’t know if I want to participate in a study group and if that should be the way for me to get a new pet scan. I don’t know where I should go from here or does it really matter where I go from here shall I just deal with the symptoms and try to explain to people what’s wrong with me and try to live each day to my fullest or do I participate in a study group that may help somebody someday. I don’t know I’m just confused.

I am blessed despite or in spite of all of these disabilities I’m with my family my grandchildren are all closed I have the world’s most wonderful husband which by the way threw me a surprise 60th birthday party last week and I had no idea it was wonderful. Of course he had the DJ play our wedding song the minute I walked in the door and I was so overwhelmed by the people that were there I started dancing with my husband and started crying immediately everyone had done a beautiful job the party favors the cake the food my step daughters all my grandchildren it was amazing. I will post pictures as one of my step daughter is a professional photographer and get tons of pictures and as soon as I get them I’ll post some. I’m actually posting this on the new phone you got me and it’s all voice so I don’t have to try to type I love it. So for now I’m just going to take each day is a blessing it’s not in my hands anyway all of my life is in the hands of Jesus and he will never do me wrong. Even though I’m not on very much lately I want everybody to know that you’re all in my prayers everyday, I can not forget any of you. Love to all and Happy Hanukkah.

DonnaLynn has public FaceBook page at >>

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