PWD Michael Ellenbogen re Richard Taylor PhD

Michael’s remarks about Richard Taylor PhD on July 27, 2015:

Dear Folks,

My good friend Richard Taylor has passed on. He was one of the leading Activists for dementia. He was the one that has paved so much for what people like me are doing. His voice was first heard at the Alzheimer’s Association in 2006 and has for ever lived on to bring change. There is no single dementia advocate that has done as much for this cause then Richard. He was not only my role model for me but so many others to follow. We were always there supporting each other when times were tough. There were so many times were we were so beaten. We were able to work through that and get us motivated again to continue this had work of advocacy. He was a true advocate deserving the highest honors possibly. Please help recognized this man’s work today by doing some more advice for this cause. He gave 10 Years of his for all of us. That is a very heavy price to pay when you know that is all you have left. If you can consider it luck but it was the Cancer that killed him in the end and not the Alzheimer’s.

My dear friend I know that were ever you are now you will start a new mission to make it better for others. I will miss you so much but will continue to do what we must do. I will so miss our disagreements and laugh’s together.

RIP dear friend. Please know the powerful legacy you have left and the passion you have ignited to change our dementia care culture.

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2 thoughts on “PWD Michael Ellenbogen re Richard Taylor PhD

  1. Pingback: To Honor Richard Taylor PhD | Truthful Loving Kindness

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