it’s NOT okay

Excerpt from Harry Urban’s blog at

It is so hard to shake the feeling of depression when you are living with dementia.
You try to do something and only make the matters worse.
You lose confidence in yourself and your ability to do the things you once did.

It’s ok
it doesn’t matter

doesn’t mean a thing to you
because you know you are losing the battle.

When someone tries to cheer you up
you get angry
because they don’t realize the lose you are feeling.

It may not be a big deal with them
but to you, you know different.
They may tell you all the wonderful things you can still do,
but I think they are only masking the problem.

I lost another piece of my life.

I could take a “happy pill” that will dull the depression and give me the comfort to give into my disease or I could fight my way back.

You as my care partner cannot fix my problem and must show patience and understanding as I walk alone on the path.

You will be able to join me once I find my way back.
– Harry Urban 2015-11/29


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Index for Harry’s pages in my blogsite >>

Above are excerpted with permission, from Harry’s blog at

Harry also has a group of both text and virtual support groups through “Forget Me Not” on FaceBook.

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