Silent Stroke Effect Yesterday

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Juli has CADASIL.  Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarct and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is “the most common hereditary subcortical vascular dementia” (per Medscape).

By my PWD friend Juli Star-Alexander on Mar 15, 2016:

Silent strokes…

I knew things were not well with me because even though nothing had changed in life,
my mood was very dark,
my dysarthria hands
and my balance were way off,
I could not hold a thought for very long.

Today I have had my typical emotional hang-over
which lasts about 4 days
while my inflamed brain tries to clean up
my micro-bleed stroke.

Strokes to the emotional center of my brain
do not produce the aura, numbness and loss of verbal fluency or tingling either.

No fun, this disease.

Juli Star-Alexander, 2016-03/15

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